

Finished 2023 off with an amazing trip to Varanasi, India for a Jyotish contact class. Feel inspired both for writing and building my astrological practice. Currently working on a longer short story that was stuck for a good while. Will start working on novel revisions and submit later this year after a little hiatus of disillusionment.

Fellowship application: 1 pending


Continuing work on my second novel, working on a short story collection. Back to looking for an agent and trying to get my work out there. Pray for me.

Fellowship application: 1 rejection

Stipend application: 1 rejection

Short story submission: 5 rejections (the first one in only 22 days, wowza!)

Small press submission (novella): 1 rejection


Trying to stay motivated after a year of constant rejection/invisibility. The best way to fight writer’s block is to just make yourself sit down and at least read through your work and edit/revise if nothing else. Trying to muster up the energy to submit my novel to agents again/get ready for the ghosting that inevitably happens. Ugh, the bane of a writer, I swear.

Short story submissions: 8 rejections***

Small press submissions (novel): 1 rejection, 1 pending (assuming it is a rejection at this point)

Fellowship application: 1 (very disappointing) rejection


Accidentally wrote and finished the novel Dick & Jane. Working on a collection of thematically-linked short stories (a novella for the collection still in the works), working title is Motherless Children. Finishing up the first draft of my second novel, Love Bites (this draft will be complete by the end of the year or I will personally kick my own ass). Currently seeking representation.

Short story submissions: 10 rejections, 4 pending***

Fellowship applications: 1 rejection

Writer’s stipend application: 1 rejection

Short story contests: 3 rejections

Agent queries: 8 rejections, 13 never responded (assume these are rejections after a reasonable amount of time, since many agents don’t respond to queries they aren’t interested in. Welcome to the fun world of querying!)

Small press submissions: 1 pending


I survived this year by writing, making jewellery and studying astrology. One story published.

Short story submissions: 63 rejections, 1 acceptance

Essay submissions: 2 rejections

Fellowship applications: 1 rejection

Writer’s stipend application: 1 rejection


Writing, writing and more writing. One story and one essay published.

Short story submissions: 88 rejections, 1 acceptance

Essay submissions: 1 acceptance

Fellowship applications: 2 rejections

Writer’s stipend application: 1 rejection

Short story contests: 8 rejections


This is the year I published my first short story. I started writing seriously around 20 years ago, but took a six year break in between. You can read about my journey here. Started writing Dick & Jane with the idea that it might be a novella.

Short story submissions: 76 rejections, 2 acceptances

Fellowship applications: 1 rejection

Writer’s stipend application: 1 rejection

Short story contests: 6 rejections


Not yet published, but still trucking.

Short story submissions: 28 rejections

Essay submissions: 5 rejections

Fellowship applications: 2 rejections

Short story contests: 3 rejections

*** I’m including this information for the sake of transparency, especially for any aspiring writers out there. Fact is, it’s freaking hard to get published. Whenever the percentage of publication rises above 1.2% of my total submissions, I get a congratulatory message on Duotrope which states my acceptance rate is “higher than those submitting in similar categories.” Rejection sucks, but unfortunately it’s most definitely the name of the game. If you are a writer, and it’s just what you do for better or for worse, write every damn day and never give up.

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